Thursday, February 28, 2008

Our sales rep

Our sales rep, originally uploaded by mo/de.

Noted, without comment.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008


Conference, originally uploaded by mo/de.

The conference table at Kerker is larger than most third world homes.

Test : early arrival

Test : early arrival, originally uploaded by mo/de.

After showing passengers at gate E9 the mo/de reel, everyone evacuated.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Spring '08 mo/de DVD drops Wednesday

... and what spring reel wouldn't be complete without an Easter Egg, be sure to check it.

Ypao Beach, Guam

This is the first beach i saw on Guam. I was 12 years old. I hadn't seen anything like it in my life. The emerald colored ocean and the bright blue sky. it was as though the whole world was photoshoped with the saturation level cranked up. i was literally speechless. my aunt who lived there for like 10 years was talking about a Zojirushi rice cooker she recently bought and how it made rice taste good.

current temperature in Guam is 79F.

Top Shots of 2007

Even if you haven't seen any of this year's Oscar films here is a great 2-part article highlighting the best cinematography of 2007.

Monday, February 25, 2008

2nd Floor Gallery Show: Attempts at Communication

Conceived  and curated by 2nd floor resident artist, Kyle Fletcher, "Attempts at Communication" is an installation that challenges language, circumstances, and product. 

The show runs from February 25th, 2008 - March 12th, 2008 and is located on the cutting mat, unless someone else needs to use the cutting mat. Artists panel scheduled Friday March 7th.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Things I Have Now Learned in My Life So Far

Thanks to Sagmeister's new book, I too have learned a lot of valuable life lessons, in a shorter amount of time.

Whether the impact of his experiences translates second hand, time will tell. Blitzed through a bunch of it already and its packed with beautiful imagery, experimental typography, and a sculpturesque wonder-charm that's hard to resist.


Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Better late than never

Here's our follow up to the popular Mulligan shirt and the second piece from the "Translation Series."